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Brighter Future Foundation is a non-profit organisation registered in the UK. All donations are entitled to reclaim tax on Gift Aid and individual donations from HM Revenue & Customs, thus allowing your contributions to be maximally tax efficient.

When you make a donation, you can be rest assured that 99% of your money will go directly towards mandatory equipment and training materials for hospitals in Myanmar. Only 1% is used for charity fundraising and administrative activities.

Donations can be made in different ways:

1. You can make an online donation via PayPal by clicking here.

2. You can set up a direct debit and contribute your monthly chosen amount. Account details are as follows:

Account Name: Brighter Future Foundation

Bank: HSBC

Sort code: 403418

Account Number: 34514424

3. If you wish to make a one-off donation for a specific purpose in Myanmar, please contact us via email. 

You can fill in the details for your GiftAid form here:

**Thank you for your continued support and generosity towards improving healthcare for the people of Myanmar.**

Brighter Future Foundation (BFF)

Non-Profit Organisation

Registered Charity Number: 1149753

Working to support healthcare and training in Myanmar (Burma)

Should you wish to make a donation, you can do so by clicking here.

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